Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Gina Hotta R.I.P

Eulogy for Gina Hotta, KPFA radio producer, activist and pace setter.

I met Gina at the Third I film festival mixer back in 2003. I found her activism to be inspirational and enjoyed her deep knowledge on world music, politics and Asian-American experience. She was as supportive of Film & Arts as she was of crafting stories from visceral experiences. I appeared on her show, Asian Pacific Exchange (APEX) frequently as a commentator on Pakistan's political situation and promoting Third I South Asian Film Festival. In each interview she led with poignant questions while provided deeper context for her audience.

In 2005, we spend some time developing a story on the continued incarceration of U.S.-born 23-year old Hamid Hayat who had allegedly attended a terror-training camp in northeast Pakistan, and his father Umar Hayat. During that time, Gina told me about her own research and family experiences on the Japanese internment during WW II. Her conviction for human rights and social justice were not just personified by her weekly show on APEX but also in her indefatigable passion in giving voice to the Hyphened Asian-American community

She will be dearly missed.

I can't find any archives of her old show, but have a copy of 12/29/2005 show where seh interviewed me about relief work during the 2005 earthquake.