Sunday, November 20, 2005

Debunking the myths

At this time, the relief efforts are going well. The World community and the UN have promised 5.9 billion dollars in aids, of which 4 billion is in soft loans. One can criticize the government till the cows come home, but no one in Pakistan has enough PR to gather such a large amount of money. I think Musharaf has done a tremendous job. Even as winter rolls in, the relief efforts are working their way to the mountaintops and Inshallah if the government buffoonery does not F it up, we should have a sustainable rehabilitation effort.

The October 8th earthquake was the result of seismic activity that has been identified by geologists for years. It is the result of tectonic plates that never quite stabilized since the time when the Indian subcontinent crashed into the Asian landmass, creating the Himalayas and Karakorum mountain ranges as a result. The actual earthquake that stuck at 8:52 Pakistan time lasted for 33 seconds was the result of seismic activity 2km deep. The epicenter north of Muzzafarabad has created a diagonal death of destruction starting from Batagram in the Northwest and then continuing southeast to Balakot, Muzzafarabad and Bagh. The after shocks that are still happening are a natural consequence and vouch for the fact that this is indeed an earthquake not a secret nuclear explosion by India/Pakistan/US (another conspiracy myth).

However, aside from the basic needs of food, shelter, health and education, there is a psychological need that has to be addressed. Currently, that is being addressed solely in the spiritual aspects by religious sermons. This has spawned myths about why and how did the earthquake struck this region. Some of those are,
1. We are sinners so Allah should us His might
2. Kashmir was out of control, alcohol drinking during Ramzan, prostitution in Neelam and Sangham hotel in Muzzafarabad
3. Usury has made the people weak in their faith.

Logically, these need little explanation. From my experience in Balakot and in Muzaafarabad region, I can only say that these people are deeply religious. All women observe purdah, Allah is often invoked, most perform prayers, and as for alcohol and prostitution surely Allah would have struck down Karachi, Lahore and Dubai way before Muzzafarabad. However, these have resulted in a self-hatred and most of these people have turned their anger and frustration towards the government and their own community. This is unfortunate to say the least. The real reasons for the enormous damage that has been caused by this earthquake are dutifully ignored by the nation and the media.

The facts that need investigation and journalistic lynch mobbing are in my opinion,

1. No liable civil defense plan for the nation. Our elders mention the 1965 war, as the last time there was a civil emergency plan, but now nothing like that exists. It is embarrassing to see relief workers from all over the world roughing it up, while our educated elites are scared to send their ladlas to the quake zone. One important part of rebuilding is community-based organizations that come into action in times of disaster.

2. Non-existent building codes and corrupt government inspectors that have resulted in every government funded building becoming a pile of rubble. Most of these were primary and secondary schools or hospitals. All the contractors and building engineers should be tried and be made an example of. This is where the anger should be directed.

3. Landslides have wiped out entire villages due to severe deforestation. This is more prevalent in the Balakot area then in Kashmir. An environment policy that promotes trees needs to be practices. Most locals understand that trees hold the soil together and somewhat decrease the destruction through landslides.

In the end, it is important for the people to realize that an earthquake is a natural phenomenon that happens all over the world. I have cited examples of quakes in Gujrat , Bam and Turkey. This has nothing to do with our sins. Some have cited illogical justifications for the earthquake. At least these spread a positive vibe. One of them is that earthquakes are nature’s way of cleaning the atmosphere by restoring the air quality and absorbing our toxics. Lastly, one grand gentleman dreamed that the earthquake has unearthed mines of emeralds and diamonds thus enriching the nation with billion dollars worth of precious gems. In some way it my hope too that the diamonds of his dreams are a metaphor and the nation has truly unearthed within itself a sense of humanitarianism.

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